2024 Undergraduate Commencement

Saturday, June 8, 2024  |  10:30 a.m.–1 p.m.  |  T-Mobile Park

*Tickets Required for Your Guests for All Commencement Events*

(Free) tickets will be required 所有出席毕业典礼的嘉宾(毕业生不需要门票). The deadline for ordering tickets is June 6, but be sure to get them as soon as possible. 门票是电子的,很容易通过电子邮件转让或直接发送给您的客人.  

*The deadline for securing tickets was June 6. Tickets are no longer available.* 

毕业典礼是一项历史悠久的表彰奖学金的仪式, service, and Christian growth of graduating students. 这是大学生学业生涯的高潮庆祝仪式, where family members, friends, faculty, staff, and fellow students congratulate graduates on their “new beginning.”

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T-Mobile Park security

T-Mobile Park has implemented a clear bag policy for all events.

  • 允许使用不大于12" x 6" x 12"的透明塑胶袋或乙烯基袋. One-gallon clear plastic zip-top bags are also allowed.
  • 安检人员必须能看到里面的东西,并能识别袋子底部的物品. Items may not be used to obscure the view of bag contents, including but not limited to non-clear bags, pouches, etc. Bags with interior contents obscured from view are not allowed.
  • Small clutch bags no larger than 4.5" x 6.5" are permitted. (Bags do not have to be clear plastic or vinyl.)
  • 背包、多格包、行李袋和大于4个的钱包.5"x6.5" are not permitted. 医疗用品或单格尿布袋除外(儿童必须在场).

Guest arrival

The main guest entrance is the "Home Plate Gate" on First Avenue S.

Student arrival

Students must present their SPU ID to enter T-Mobile Park. 学生入口是通过右场门对面的停车场在埃德加马丁内斯大道S. Students should arrive by 9 a.m.


Grad Images is the official photography company for Commencement. They will take a photograph of each graduate receiving a (faux) diploma, 毕业典礼结束后不久,毕业生将收到一封证明信. SPU will be covering the cost of one ordered print. You can contact the company at 1-800-628-4509, or by visiting gradimages.com. 其他摄影师不得进入赛场或看台的过道.

ADA seating

对于使用轮椅或助行器的客人,ADA座位(带一个伴座)是可用的. 毕业生必须通过联系 graduationinfo@xoxozerol.net.


ADA drop-off

客人可以在水手停车场和球场附近的许多周边地点停车. 水手停车场可以容纳高度不超过7英尺的车辆.

Disabled-parking spaces: 只有持有国家颁发的残疾人牌照或许可证的车辆才能进入这些地区. For more information, visit Mariners.com/Parking

Captioning and hearing devices

有听力或视力障碍的客人可在比赛期间免费使用传输球场音频的助听设备. 请到主客服务中心128区领取设备或了解更多信息.

Balloons and wrapped packages

所有进入竞技场的客人将在主要入口接受安全检查. 不允许携带气球、沙滩球、其他充气物品和包裹物进入赛场. There will be a place to tie balloons outside, 但赌博十大靠谱软件不能保证他们会在仪式结束时到场. 


Outside food is permitted in single-serving sizes. Sealed, clear plastic water bottles up to 32 oz, baby bottles, beverages related to medical needs, and unopened, soft-sided single serve containers like juice boxes are permitted. Soda, coffee, or other beverages are not allowed. 客人也可以携带一个32盎司或更小的可重复使用的空塑料瓶. These items will be subject to a security check. Again, only clear bags can be brought into T-Mobile Park. 

Getting to T-Mobile Park

Please refer to the directions and parking page for more information.

Before you graduate


  • Apply to graduate in Banner by February 1, 2024
  • Register for Commencement events through Banner by May 28, 2024
  • Order your regalia
  • 2024年4月12日星期五,在Gwinn Commons的毕业典礼上拿起你的徽章. 
  • Close out your Falcon Card account


You must register online for Commencement. If you have applied to graduate in Banner, 毕业典礼注册说明将发送到您的SPU电子邮件地址.

Ordering regalia

你必须在3月3日星期日午夜之前订购你的徽章(帽子、长袍、披肩和流苏). See the cap and gown section below for more information.

Picking up regalia

如果您的徽章订单是在3月3日,您的徽章将准备在 Grad Fest on Friday, April 12. 如果你没有在3月3日之前购买你的徽章,你可以在 Grad Fest or through the Jostens website for ship to home. See the cap and gown section below for more information.

Closing out your Falcon Card account

You must have a $0.00 Falcon Fund balance on your Falcon Card Account when you graduate. There are a few ways to achieve this. 如果你有猎鹰基金,你可以从在校园里花费你的余额开始. 校园里所有的零售场所都采取分期付款的方式,以帮助你花光在猎鹰基金里的最后一分钱. If you cannot spend down your balance, you will need to complete the Falcon Fund Refund Request Form online. 此表格允许您要求退还剩余余额或将剩余余额赠送给SPU. 你也可以在毕业典礼上填写表格的纸质副本, 校园卡服务将在毕业典礼前一周给你一个表格的链接,所以请注意你的SPU电子邮件地址. Contact falconcards@xoxozerol.net with any questions.

Caps, gowns, and stoles

Regalia (caps, gowns, stoles, 参加常春藤剪枝和本科毕业典礼是必需的. All caps and gowns are black, and tassel colors depend upon your degree. All undergraduate regalia packages include the SPU stole. 


Deadline for ordering regalia from Josten's is midnight on Sunday, March 3. 如果您的订单是在3月3日之前,您的徽章将准备在 Grad Fest on Friday, April 12. If you do not purchase your regalia by March 3, 有些项目可以在毕业生节或SPU书店购买, or by ordering from Jostens and shipping to your home.

If you have any issues or questions associated with ordering regalia, please contact the Bookstore at 206-281-2137 or bookstore@xoxozerol.net, or email graduationinfo@xoxozerol.net

Order regalia

Honor cords

If you have earned academic honors, you may pick up your honor cords at Grad Fest on April 12, or thereafter in the Bookstore. The Bookstore will have a list of those who qualify for academic honors. 荣誉证书由学校支付,以表彰学生的成就. 

Honors fall into three categories:

            Cum Laude                           GPA: 3.5 – 3.74                    White Cord

            Magna Cum Laude               GPA: 3:75 – 3.89                  Silver Cord

            Summa Cum Laude              GPA: 3.9 – 4.0                      Gold Cord

Announcements, diploma frames, class rings, and affinity stoles

您可以订购公告,文凭框架,和班级戒指,并通过亲和力偷 Josten's website. 有限数量的亲缘书和文凭框架也将在毕业生节和SPU书店出售.

Wearing your regalia

For Ivy Cutting and the Undergraduate Commencement ceremonies, 你将把你的流苏戴在你的帽子(也被称为砂浆板)的右侧. At the Commencement ceremony, once all degrees are conferred, 波特菲尔德校长会指示所有本科生把流苏从右边移到左边.


2024 schedule of events

Ivy Cutting

Friday, June 7, 10–11 a.m. (PT), Tiffany Loop

Undergraduate Commencement ceremony

Saturday, June 8, 10:30 a.m.–1 p.m. (PT), T-Mobile Park

赌博十大靠谱软件很荣幸邀请到以扫·麦考利作为赌博十大靠谱软件本科毕业典礼的演讲嘉宾, PhD, associate professor of New Testament at Wheaton College and author of How Far to the Promised Land.

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